Thursday, January 28, 2010

Commit to Love

I was at my best friend's wedding over the weekend. It was a beautiful wedding. A perfect wedding. As all weddings usually are. Well, except for those weddings you see on AFV where the bride falls face down in the cake or the groom forgets to zip his pants. Sad but kind of funny.
Anyway, needless to say, it took me back to my wedding day. 8 years ago, my love and I sealed our love for each other before God and family and friends. Weddings are beautiful things. It is the point in that special relationship when you realize that love is beyond a feeling, it is a choice. A choice in spite what you feel and so you decide to commit to love till death do you part.
I feel that we can really use this kind of commitment in all our relationships - sibling relationships, friendships, relationships with our parents, co-workers and almost any other relationship we have. Feelings are not reliable indicators of what a relationship's value is. A lot of things can affect the way you feel at any point of time. So, we shouldn't let valuable relationships ride on feelings. Love is a choice; not a feeling. And even though we don't take vows in all of our relationships, they are still valuable and should be treated with the same commitment.
Imagine what this kind of commitment can do to the relationships in your life. Life long friends, precious memories, forgiveness, deeper connections and of course more love.